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We must have heard about meditation and its positive effect at some point in our life . We have also tried it once or twice in our life but were unable to notice any perceptible difference. There could have been several reason for this. Two of the most important reasons could be the way and the procedure of your meditation technique and continuity. The result of meditation can not be noticed after a short time. It is a long evolving process and it takes time. Remember , Even Rome was not built in a day. You start to notice the changes in your overall attitude after six months and that change is permanent. I will provide you the correct approach to practice meditation which has been tested by me over a long course of time (5 years). But before starting we should know some overview of meditation otherwise we will not get right the motivation for it.


Meditation may be regarded as the one of the eighth wonders of the world. It is very powerful tool that can really make you a different person all together. Some scientific research carried all around the world have proved its potent effect on the human minds. No only the mind some of them claim that the inside our cell DNA can be influenced by regular meditation. Our body has the ability to cure itself from any ailments , we just need to understand how it works. You can transform yourself not from outside but also from inside . It can improve your overall focus, concentration, memory, emotion, immunity etc. Researchers at University of California , LA have claimed that the practice of  regular meditation stopped the further growth of HIV virus improving over all health. You can enjoy any boredom of your life if your mind is under your control. Meditation is path of controlling your mind and telling it what to do next. The concept of meditation has it root from ancient times. Several Ancient Indian texts ( Vedas ), Ancient Chinese texts have described meditation as the powerful tool to connect with the supreme power (God) . We can not claim that it is the only purpose of meditation but we can say that meditation can let you know your inner self.

We always find it fascinating when we hear or read something about meditation but we hardly know what should be the best way to mediate effectively. Some of us have even tried several method from some books but the problem with book is that we don't have the patience and time in our busy schedule to complete the whole book and implement in your daily life. Some of us join meditation center and we follow the trainer. But the problem with this approach is that the trainer tries to imbibe his/her own philosophy in your life which you may not find pertinent according to your personality.

How to practice
So , What should be the correct and best way to mediate? There are some factors which can influence the outcome. Please understand them first.

1.Timing : It is know to all that we can meditate at any time of the day or night. But you should know that the best time to mediate is early morning when your mind is fresh and active. Early morning is the time when atmosphere is calm . you can hear the chirping of birds and rattling of leaves when the wind blows which you will not get at any moment of time. The duration for beginners should be 10-15 minutes but you can increase it in future as per your capacity.

2.Posture : It is very important that your posture remains correct while you sit for meditation. Lotus position is most suited for meditation. Your back and head should be relaxed but at the same time in a straight line. your hands should be rested on your knees like it is suspended from your arm.

Now that you have understood about the timing and posture it is time to do the real business.

  • Find a quite and calm place where you wont be disturbed. You can go to terrace of your house or to a garden with serene aura. If you can't find these place your bedroom or study room can also do the job. Just make sure that you wont be disturbed during the time you are mediating.

  • Now you have the place you can sit and relax in right posture. keep your eyes open and start breathing. Your breathing should be very deep and long and it should be such that a person is near you can hear your breathing. Do it for 1 minutes. This is very important step. It increases blood flow in your brain which is very essential for a effective meditation.

  • After 1 minutes with last deep breath close your eyes gently and bring your breathing to normal. Now you feel the surface where you are sitting . Feel the contact point and identify the maximum pressure point. It may be different for each individual it may be your ankle, your knee or any other part of your leg depending upon your momentary posture. You eye will remain close till last. 

  • After that you should start releasing the tightness in the muscles of your body. Start with releasing the muscle of your cheeks , eyes, ears and jaws. Then move to the shoulder and arms. You should not feel the pressure on your shoulder . It should be like your hands are resting on your legs with no arms attached to it. Just feel this entire thing for 2-3 minutes. You will notice that your brain feels light as it need not control different muscles of your body.

  • Now it is the time to scan your whole body. Just imagine a scanner which emits a powerful ray of light in a straight line. Somewhat like the image shown .

  • Try to scan your body using this powerful scanner from you head to bottom slowly , don't rush . Start with the head and then brain , eyes, nose, ears , lips, neck, chest , shoulder, abdomen, thighs and legs. The motive is to find the minute details of your body part. Concentrate the area with pain and uneasiness . Try to dissolve that discomfort with the powerful scanner and move to next body part if you feel everything is fine. Scan the whole body 2 time from top to bottom and vice-versa. Look meditation is all about your perception. If you take it in positive way , I can guarantee you the best result.

  • After scanning part is over , you can let your brain free and relax. Don't control your thoughts now. Let the brain think whatever it wants.Your brain will start to give you some kick as it can  roam freely around your mind space . If you feel your mind is wondering very far which is more than you have imagined , you can bring your attention back to your body. This is the process of controlling your brain. You train your brain when to roam freely and when to back . Do this few more time and try to control your mind. It will take around 5 minutes from your. Some people get engrossed in this brain training sub-session thus increasing the overall meditation duration.

  • We have come to the last stage of our session. You can now bring your attention back to your body and feel the environment around you . Feel the surface on which your are sitting and  how your hand is rested on your legs. When you feel that your mind and body are under your control you can gently open your eyes.

  • You can notice the lightness in your mind and feel the difference. You will feel fresh and happy. This is the result of just a few minutes of Meditation. Continue this method daily and I am confident that it will give you positive results. If you are facing any issue or lacking in motivation just feel free to comment or contact me.

Stay Healthy , Stay Fit and Stay Motivated .


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  1. This is something I was looking for. thanks man (Y)


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